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About Me

I’m Mohit Kumar, a graduate student of mechanical engineering at Purdue University. I work with Prof. Fabio Semperlotti at Herrick Labs. I completed my undergraduate studies at the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras in 2022. My graduate research will focus on understanding the propagation of elastic waves through mechanical metamaterials (structures with repeated elements) using diverse tools such as analogies from quantum mechanics and topology. My journey to understand the world a little bit better is driven by the love of learning.


My undergraduate research focused on nonlinear dynamics, a discipline that studies how systems around us evolve with time. Apart from theoretical work, I gained valuable hands-on experience while building a Mars rover prototype in my year-long stint with Team Anveshak -- one of India's premier rover teams that competes annually at the University Rover Challenge at Utah organized by the Mars Society. You can find more about my projects under the relevant tabs.


Apart from my vividly described geeky interests, I love to read books and practice/perform card magic. I’m always on the lookout for new and interesting challenges. 10 years down the line, I want to see myself having the same enthusiasm that I have today backed with theoretical and practical knowledge that I currently seek.


If you have anything you would like to say, use the contact tab of the site. Until I meet you in real life, bye!

Last Updated

20th November 2022



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